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Pathway to Peace?

Since the signing of the Abraham Accords in 2020, which normalized relations between several Arab nations and Israel, there has been widespread speculation that Saudi Arabia and Israel might also do the same. Saudi Arabia is the de facto capital of the Sunni Islamic world, so a normalization agreement between the two would have a dramatic impact on the Middle East.



A Contentious Cast of Characters

MAY/JUN 2024

In this 2-part series, we’ll look at some of the “supporting cast” that played major and minor roles in the four Gospels: the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Samaritans, and Essenes. Subscription Only



MAY/JUN 2024

Three words in the New Testament give a composite picture of the glorious doctrine of redemption. Subscription Only


The Cutting Short of the Antichrist’s Great Tribulation

MAY/JUN 2024

A major tenet of Prewrath theology is the understanding that the period of the Antichrist’s Great Tribulation against God’s elect will be “cut short.” Subscription Only


The “Palestinian Problem”

MAR/APR 2024

God’s people need to be informed about the issues of our day, as they pray fervently for the peace of Jerusalem. Subscription Only


GALATIANS PART 12: Living in Grace

MAR/APR 2024

Believers in Jesus are free from the Mosaic Law, however, they are still obligated to fulfill the law of Christ, which is to care about fellow believers and help them carry their burdens. Subscription Only


Beware the Trap of “Pan-Eschatology”

MAR/APR 2024

Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Subscription Only


The Any-Moment Rapture Model: Is it Really Biblical?

MAR/APR 2024

Why does it matter whether we believe Jesus can return either at any moment or within any generation? Subscription Only